If you are interested in running an Amazon campaign for your title/s on that platform, but would prefer to use a third party to manage the process, here is one author’s results and associated comments:
Fiverr allocated “bestbooks2020” who is managing my Amazon advertisements. They ran the first campaign in the Australian market only. That campaign ended yesterday. At the same time, I went onto Kindle Unlimited for 90 days.
Here are the results as of today:
Since launch;
Sales = 30 – <title 01> = 22 Kindle, 7 paperback. <title 02> = 1 Kindle. Royalties due = $145.75.
KENP READ (Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Read)
<title 01> = 6,988 in Australia, 175 in the USA = 7,163
<title 02> = 138 in Australia, 1 in the UK = 139
Total = 7,302
As I’ve had it explained, KENP READS can be from actual downloads or from reading the first few pages.
I have initiated two more AD Campaigns through bestbooks2020 for the UK and US markets. So it will be interesting to see how that goes. Two, three-day Ads in each market cost me circa $157 each. I was initially going to run AD campaigns for all three books simultaneously in both markets, but that would cost me $900+ (maybe another time).
KEDP READS = 12,874 (11,522 for <title 01>, 1,352 for <title 02>, 0 for <title 03>). Amazon’s technical team are looking at <title 03’s> results to find out what is going wrong. Given the nature of the beast, it’s impossible to have 0 results for <title 03>.
A total of 39, being 31 x Kindle and 7 x paperback.
The Amazon AD campaign Fiverr ran in Australia only resulted in 61 clicks for the first three-day blitz and 84 for the second, and a bill today from Amazon for $177.01.
The Amazon AD Campaigns start this Thursday in the UK and USA, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com. Given the cost for Australia, I’m now nervous about how much that will cost me, albeit I can pull the plug on it at any time. I will monitor daily.