The founders of this site and app aim to bring selected snippets from the vast, vast ocean of books whose time has come and gone, and hopefully resurface interesting ideas and insights for readers. The selections are made by humans rather than algorithms.
Re-covering the Classics
What could be more interesting for a book designer than tackling the cover design for some of the great works of world literature? The Recovering the Classics project aims to create exciting cover art for great works in the public domain.
And some of the resultant covers very much fulfill that creative brief. Could this be the spur for you to read that masterpiece you've always been meaning to get around to?
In a Bookstore Now — My Own Little Book
Having printed a few dozen copies (props to Tenderprint of Melbourne for an excellent job) of my Young Adult fantasy novel Goldenscale, I have been fortunate enough to get it into the wonderful Eltham bookstore. The proprietor Meera Govil read it before taking a few copies and has been a very generous booster for it since. Even if Goldenscale goes no further (it is available on Amazon also as an ebook and print on demand, and for borrowing at Yarra Plenty Libraries), the thrill of seeing one's own book on display is definitely a special one!