Funny Mistakes — Book Cover

The Funny Dictionary (published by the National Library of Australia) makes gentle sport of inadvertently amusing definitions written by children. Some of the "howlers" are accompanied by thematically aligned images from the extensive National Library photographic archives. The cover below was selected from many options generated by Working Type Design. The book is due for publication in the first half of 2018.

Funny Dictionary_cover_05.jpg

Createspace Versus Lightning Source

For self-publishers, choosing between Amazon's Createspace print on demand service, and Ingram's Ingram Spark/Lightning Source service can be difficult. Both services have their pluses and drawbacks. For fence-sitters, here's an article that argues uploading to both services is a good idea. An author client recently indicated this approach was working well for him, and we'd be happy to hear opinions either was other print on demand using authors.

Authors and their Digital Presence Explained

A thoughtful and in-depth examination of how authors are not getting the best results from their digital presence. The writer explains why the interests of authors and publishers do not always align, and how a new generation of author-centric services are being created. 

It is ironic that the author brand is foundational — the success of all title marketing depends on it and all publishers depend on title marketing — but how the author brands are developed gets very little professional attention.