Angela Dawson Reports on Promotional Activities

Author of Red, Angela Dawson reports on her recent promotional activities and opportunities:

ABC Radio MelbourneAngela Dawson publishes her novel Red - ABC 

Plus, as well as Readings bookstores, I managed to get books into Dymocks, Camberwell after being part of a panel of authors presenting to a packed audience at Rivoli Cinemas, Camberwell, for their 'First Tuesday Book Club'.  Catherine Deveny was one of them!  Fun, but quite nerve racking!  I got to speak for 15 mins, and afterwards we all sat in the foyer for book signings, like real authors!

 I've entered lots of competitions, and so far have managed to get short listed in the Santa Fe Writers Project 2022 Literary Awards (27 selected out of 2000!)  

This was their feedback:

Thank you for participating in the 2022 Literary Awards Program and, again, congrats on making it into the finalist lists! You beat out nearly 2000 manuscripts to get where you are. 
While you did not make the winners' circle, your manuscript showed strong promise and shined through a rigorous judging process. Congratulations!

I'm still waiting for a few more comp results, some of which come out at the end of the year. 

I have a few things I want to pursue - I've joined this FB page, which might help with getting some online traffic:

I even wrote a short blog today, after a massive hiatus!

There are definitely some great opportunities out there for writers to get their work critiqued. I found a few legitimate sites, including an American one which frequently has competitions with no entry fees - usually for short essays, poems.  I'm on their monthly list for the newsletter.  Their site states they are, 'One of the Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers'.

Contact Us - Winning Writers

Winning Writers, Inc.

351 Pleasant Street Suite B PMB 222
Northampton, MA 01060-3998

Her website can be found here.

Independent author Maria Stefanides Interviewed

An excellent overview of Maria’s writing philosophy and background can be found here. Her book “The Invisible Thread” is available on Amazon.

“her writing story was carved by her immigration story. Her Cypriot heritage has been an integral part of her writing journey. Maria writes with the ink that drops from her heart.”

Marion Hughes, author on the move...

Marion Hughes, author of the tense and well-written thrillers Watch Your Back and I’m Back has kindly written an account of some of her recent and upcoming promotional activities…

In 2022, I conducted author talks at the following libraries:

Hastings Library Tuesday April 5
Foster Library Thursday Sep 1
Mirboo North Library Thursday Sep 1
Rosebud Library Tuesday 13th Sep
Belgrave Library Saturday 26th November

2023 booked in for:

Langwarrin library - Libraries after dark Thursday 4th May
Wednesday 30th August Wodonga Library
Wednesday 30th August Albury city Library Museum
Thursday 31st August Shepparton Library evening session

My talks incorporated an overview of my background, discussed my writing journey, and offered insights into how I write and my motivation for writing. Included was an outline of the plots, characters and themes of books one and two of my trilogy, 'The Dark illusion,' selected excerpts and anecdotes that helped shape my writing and time for audience questions at the end.

A selection of  audience feedback comments:

  • A fascinating look at the writing process

  • I loved the talk and will definitely be reading your books

  • A captivating author talk! Great to hear about the writing process and inspiration for the books

  • Feedback on Watch Your Back: a fast-paced thriller with a cleverly worked plot and stunning surprises. A can't put down read.

  • I particularly liked hearing excerpts from the books.I enjoyed participating in the discussion at the end.

Amazon Advertising and Book Marketing

Two books from Reedsy, both by Ricardo Fayet. A good entry-level introduction into the mysterious world of online book marketing…

  • How to change your mindset and sell more books with less effort.;

  • How to write books that guarantee a lasting, profitable career;

  • How to get Amazon's Kindle Store to market your book for you;

  • How to get thousands of readers into your mailing list before you even release the book;

  • How to propel your book to the top of the charts at launch; and

  • How to automate your marketing so that you can spend less time marketing and more time writing,

In this second book of the popular Reedsy Marketing Guides series, you will learn:

  • The fundamental guiding principles of advertising books on Amazon,

  • How to build a comprehensive list of product and keyword targets,

  • What type of ad campaign will best suit your book,

  • How to optimize your click-through-rate to boost delivery,

  • How to optimize your campaigns for profit, and

  • How to scale and progressively grow your spend while keeping your profit levels.