WorkingType Design’s resources booklet has been updated with more author advice and resources. The booklet can be downloaded here. If you’d like to add your own experiences, advice or warnings, please let us know. The case studies in the booklet show that there are many ways to promote a new or existing book, on or offline.
The Publisher's Paradox, or, The Author's Dilemma
Some very good advice and an ansight into the publishing process from experienced editor Euan Mitchelle. Excerpted from his book “Your Book Publishing Options”
The Publishers’ Paradox
Publishers want a submission that is different yet has been done before.
A paradox is a statement that appears to contradict itself yet contains a slippery truth. How can publishers expect something different – that is, new – but somehow it has been done before? This doesn’t seem to make sense. The answer is that publishers want evidence your genre or type of book is already selling in viable quantities, and your submission has at least one marketable point of difference from the existing competition.
Remember the example of the new atlas on page 31? If you think your book can’t be pigeonholed into an existing genre or combination of genres (cyborg-romance, gothic-crime), think again. This can be particularly confronting for fiction writers, as I found when my first manuscript was summed up by publishers as a coming-of-age/on-the-road tale. Up to that point it was my unique story that I didn’t like to categorise.
To a publisher it was just another text whose commercial potential could be guesstimated. Therein lies the key difference that your submission needs to overcome.
You are going to improve your chances of pitching to a publisher if you can put yourself in their shoes. But I have read too many submissions – in my later role as a publisher – that are self-centred (including a new writer’s career goals), rather than focused on how a book might fit with the publisher’s existing list of titles. The following alternatives aim to turn an ordinary submission into an extraordinary pitch.
Santosh Nambiar
Independent author Santosh Nambiar talks about Mindfulness. Santosh’s website does a great job of showcasing his books and services. Clean design, plenty of content and recently updated. And a clear introductory statement:
Liberation from your conditioned mind is Absolute Freedom
Are you ready to silence the unwanted mindnoise from your life?
The simple awareness of your conditioned mind will set you on the path to freedom from unwanted mindnoise, paving the way for peace, creativity, emotional wellbeing and clarity. Allow yourself to be free and live a more purposeful, grounded and conscious life.
Progressive Web Apps -- a platform agnostic solution for ebook readers
How Progressive Web Apps Are Shaping the Future of Ebook Readers
by Harikrishna Kundariya
In recent times, the whole process of digital content access and consumption has gone through a great transformation. One of the tools that many people around the globe use for reading is ebook readers. With Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) emerging, a new dimension has been added to the future ebook reading experience, presenting a seamless, responsive, and immersive experience in an easy format that can easily adapt to a variety of devices and environments. In reality, PWAs are presenting ebook sites with the much-needed opportunity to revolutionize reading experiences while filling the gap that has thus been formed between websites and native mobile apps.
This article delves into how Progressive Web Apps are revolutionizing the future of ebook readers and categorizes the features and benefits that may dictate the course of ebook consumption into the future.
What Are Progressive Web Apps?
Progressive Web Apps represent native app experiences delivered through web-based applications without reliance on native technologies from mobile or computers. Like regular websites, PWAs run instantly, support all devices for responsiveness, load offline, and can be accessed directly from any device's home screen without user interaction with app stores. PWAs are fast and reliable, with app-like performance, making the experience engaging, even in situations where there is little or no internet.
Seamless user experience on multiple devices
PWA provides the ebooks an experience of reading as if it were a native application. They assure smooth cross-device functionality, hence an ebook reader can read anywhere at any time on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Unlike native apps, these work across all platforms without having to download and install separate applications from stores. They thus save users from managing multiple apps to enjoy an uninterrupted reading of their ebook library. The Progressive Web App will be platform-agnostic, ensuring reading is accessible and convenient on all devices with a consistent responsive experience.
Offline Access and Synchronization
The biggest challenge ebook platforms faced was uninterrupted reading when there was no internet. In this respect, PWAs stand out, because they are built to be offline-capable. By using the service, the background scripts run on top of a webpage, without disrupting its functionality—PWAs can cache all the needed assets, including ebook files, to ensure that the users can keep reading even if there's no access to the internet.
This will make it possible to keep reading from your favorite series while you're traveling, as you are when commuting, even when connectivity might be spotty or unavailable for your ebook reader. Once connectivity comes back online, you will automatically update in the cloud and find what you've been reading synced throughout all of your devices. This level of convenience upgrades the whole user experience, which is why PWAs become an excellent option for ebook platforms looking forward to offering flexible and uninterrupted reading.
Optimized Speed and Performance
Ebooks must be fast and performant, and PWAs guarantee fast fluid experiences. Techniques such as caching enable them to load fast even on slower networks, reducing wait time. They are also lightweight, requiring less storage space on devices. This means they don't take a lot of storage space for content and features like native apps do; instead, they stream or cache content, thus reducing how much space will be occupied on a device without diminishing functionality. That makes PWAs very suitable for storage-limited users who want the best reading experience possible.
Engagement Features and Notifications
The ebooks can be made more enjoyable through PWAs with features like push notifications, where it notifies a user of a new release, reading milestones, or reminders to read. This makes the experience very personal and engaging because it reminds users to continue their favorite books or reminds them of events like book club meetings. This ensures that users are connected with their ebook libraries, thus bettering reading habits and engagement. Another area is push notifications, which will allow ebook platforms to be in touch with the users, hence improving retention and further use of the platform.
Low Cost and Easy Updates
Developing and maintaining native apps on each operating system is expensive and very time-consuming for ebook platforms. PWAs are relatively affordable and only need one codebase for all platforms, thereby simplifying the development process. As well, PWAs have automatic background updates, in which the user does not have to manually download updates. This means that the platform would never stop evolving because bugs can be fixed quickly and new content added the same way. With a PWA, there is a more agile ebook platform solution. The experience is streamlined and efficient for the developer and user.
Improved Discoverability and Accessibility
PWAs can significantly improve discoverability. They are especially great for markets where accessing the app stores may be difficult. The ebook platforms may send users directly to their sites to access a PWA in an instant. This improves acquisition rates and increases platform reach. Second, PWAs are friendlier to people with disabilities because they can be developed based on web technologies that support a screen reader and adjustable fonts besides offering high-contrast themes. This makes ebooks much more accessible to everyone, closer to reaching an even wider cross-section of a population for reading books even with visually impaired populations.
Future of Ebook Readers with PWAs
PWAs will definitely change the game in the digital reading world, making it much more accessible, performance-wise, and engaging. An ebook will generate an amazing load-time experience due to cross-device capability, offline capability, and push notifications, which will take readers anywhere they want, at any time, to read their favorite titles with flexibility, responsiveness, and immersion. As ebook platforms adopt PWAs, they will change the face of digital content consumption, making it easier and more accessible on any device so that the next generation of readers can find content easily.
In a nutshell, the influence of Progressive Web Apps on ebook readers is just tremendous. They are flexible, high-performance, and engaging in fulfilling the needs of today's digital readers while making development easier and discoverability better. More ebook platforms embracing PWAs will make ebook reading faster, more accessible, and more enjoyable than ever before.
Article contributed by Harikrishna Kundariya
Biography:- Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, Cloud & AWS savvy, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies. His 12+ years of experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and SaaS applications.
What is a Business Book For
Business coach , author and social media expert Andrew Ford gives his take on the purpose of a business book:
“A book is a great resource as it establishes the author as an expert on the topic and someone who has a lot of intellectual property. The books we create with clients are all to support their existing businesses and not to sell as a way to independently make revenue. The amount of book sales necessary to get a return on investment of your time, effort and money to create a book, isn’t worthwhile. We make the returns from speaking, consulting and coaching clients based on the materials in the book. “
Andrew’s latest book detailing his 12-step e-ttraction method is out now.
The Three Rings of Editing Power, and One Editor to Bind Them
Author and experienced editor Euan Mitchell explains the three levels of editing, and why all are important. Taken with permission from Euan’s excellent book “Your Book Publishing Options”, published by Overdog Press, and available as an ebook here, Alternatively, you can buy a printed copy directly from Euan for $35 (including postage within Australia).
1. Structural Editing
Also known as ‘substantive editing’, structural editing concentrates on the overall structure of a manuscript – the big picture, not the details yet.A structural editor assesses the content of a manuscript and the way it is presented, including order and length of chapters, consistency of writing style and choice of language throughout, the sense of flow between sections, and the overall clarity with which a writer has pursued their intentions.
A good structural editor can be the most valuable ally a writer has during the publishing process. This does not mean the structural editor merely lavishes praise over the entire manuscript, indeed, serious restructuring may be suggested. This can be confronting for the writer, even with the most diplomatic of editors. The writer might feel like bursting into tears. It can feel like having the wind knocked out of you. But that doesn’t mean the advice is to be avoided. On the contrary, carefully considered insights from a good structural editor may be precisely what a writer needs to hear in order to raise their work to a higher level. Think of it as tough love. Patience, open-mindedness and diplomacy from both editor and writer are the keys to working through a structural edit. This is easy to say, but often hard to remember in the heat of the moment when an editor is recommending substantial changes to a manuscript in which a writer has invested months or years of their life. The changes may mostly be reasonable, but emotions can still be difficult to manage.To complicate matters, a writer is not expected to passively accept all suggestions. Structural editors are not always right. And there can be unfortunate personality clashes. But writers should not stonewall every recommendation because they don’t like an editor’s manner. A balance needs to be struck through thoughtful negotiation. Remember to breathe and take your time to consider a different point of view, not lapse into knee-jerk defensiveness.
2. Copyediting
After the structural editing, the copyediting begins. This primarily involves fixing spelling, grammar and punctuation. Small publishers may have the same editor for structural editing and copyediting, but larger publishers often pass the manuscript to another editor. The copyeditor will read through the manuscript sentence by sentence, making corrections. This is why copyediting is sometimes referred to as ‘line editing’. There is a grey area between structural editing and copyediting. A copyeditor may still request numerous paragraphs be moved, rewritten or even deleted just when the writer thought all structural issues had been resolved. Patience, open-mindedness and diplomacy will once again be needed.
Fortunately, however, most rewriting at the copyediting stage usually requires improvements at the sentence level. Certain long sentences may be clearer if broken up into two or three sentences. Too many short sentences may flow better if synthesised into longer sentences. And, ofcourse, within each sentence the grammar, spelling and punctuation will be scrutinised.
A copyeditor will also look for inconsistencies in details that the structural editor may have missed. The spelling of certain names may vary slightly. A sequence of actions may be missing a crucial step. The accent of a character may inexplicably change. The writer may unintentionally repeat certain phrases that become irritating verbal ‘tics’.
This is usually the most time-consuming of all three levels of editing.Some changes may not be a simple matter of right or wrong, but require further consultation between copyeditor and writer. Set aside as much time as practical to address ‘author queries’ from the copyeditor. It will be time well spent.
3. Proofreading
This is the ‘final filter’ of the editing process. Even the best copyeditors can leave behind careless errors. They are human, too. So after the edited manuscript has been laid out by a designer or typesetter to look like the pages of a finished book, another person is usually contracted to proofread print-outs of the pages to clean up any final errors.
Proofreaders occasionally suggest a sentence be reworded, but usually they stick to obvious inconsistencies and mistakes. ‘Thai-poes’ can undermine the credibility of a book and possibly mean a reprint if a misspelling inadvertently causes offence.
You don’t want these sorts of distractions from your otherwise brilliant manuscript, so don’t cut corners on proofreading as some publishers unfortunately do. Even if this means, in addition to the publisher’s proofreader, you also proofread the pages one final time when you probably won’t feel like doing so.
Ampersand Prize is open to Self Published Titles
If you write or publish in the YA or middle grade space, you might be interested in entering Hardie Grant’s Ampersand Prize. Details below. Dates are for 2024 — no doubt the 2025 dates will be similar.
We accept submissions from any person who has not previously had a young adult, middle-grade or graphic novel published by a trade publishing house anywhere in the world. If you have had a picture book, general fiction (for adults), educational or non-fiction title published, you are still eligible. Submissions must be entered at (link will become live July 1) and all required fields must be completed before submission. Writers will be required to submit a one-page synopsis with their manuscript, as well as a 100-word explanation of why they wrote the book (used only for context).
If you are a self-published author, you are eligible to submit a manuscript provided you follow submission guidelines, and note in your cover letter whether the submitted manuscript has been self-published already. If it has, please remove it from sale for the duration of the Ampersand Prize (from 1 July 2024 until the shortlist is announced). By entering your manuscript, you agree to contract all publishing rights, including print and digital, if selected as the winner. Note that we do not accept ePub or Mobi files as submissions.
Key dates:
Submissions open: 1-31 July 2024
Shortlist announced: November 2024
Winner announced: December 2024
Library Thing Might Be Your Thing
If you love both books and being organised, this site may be of interest. Library Thing allows users to catalogue all of their books plus movies and music, and keep track of their reading progress, along with linking to like-minded bibliophiles and finding new titles to peruse. Also available in App form on Apple and Android.
Features include
Add books, movies and music from Amazon, the Library of Congress and 4,941 other libraries.
Track your reading progress, rate and review.
See detailed charts and stats about your library and reading life.
Find your new favorite book with personalized recommendations.
A warm and welcoming community of nearly three million book lovers.
Our Early Reviewers program offers over 3,000 free, early-release books every month.
Should AI make Authors Lives Easier?
Can an AI be a useful tool for authors, or a crutch that prevents an author from using their own judgement and enhancing their writing skills. Can AI give us agency, or rob us of it? No doubt the answer is both or either. Independent author expert Joanne Penn raises this interesting topic, with the assistance of Grok, the resident AI on X. I suspect the main problem will be (or already is) the absolute tidal wave of AI enabled and initiated content that will wash through the publishing world, much of which will be complete forgettable rubbish. The desire of most readers to read stories about humans for humans may be a difficult one to satisfy. Amplifying the already near-infinite supply of content will not assist with the long-term problem of declining readership. With many people welded to their phones and compulsively watching extremely short-form videos, the sight of a person reading an actual book or even an e-reader is rare enough to be remarkable.
Web Vision Solutions -- online marketing for Authors
Independent authors often lack a plan for promoting their books and author brand online. Vanity Press publishers and others charge exorbitant fees for very uncertain results in this space. We approached local online marketing expert Ilana van Geijn and asked her if she could put together some affordable marketing packages designed for authors. She obliged and the results were as follows, with the associated introduction:
At Web Vision Solutions, we’ve been assisting our clients for over 10 years to create and establish a strong online presence to enhance brand recognition, elevate business and personal profiles, and drive sales of services and/or products.
As authors, we understand your specific needs. Our Book Marketing Professional team member has over 15 years experience, and teamed with my passion of creating and enhancing clients' online businesses, we combine our knowledge to craft a tailored strategy for you as an author. With a proven track record of collaborating with self published, traditionally published, USA Today and New York Times Best-Selling Authors, as well as small publishers, we ensure that every project we undertake meets the highest standards.
Ilana van Geijn
Founder, Web Vision Solutions
Some of the packages available are:
Book Launch and Marketing Strategy Packages — full and half
Amazon Publishing Package
NetGalley Promotion
Information For Ingram Spark Users
Websites, Social Media & More...
The full document can be downloaded here.
To get in touch with Web Vision Solutions:
To book in for a Discovery Call with Ilana, please click here.
Alternatively, please email us at and we will
connect with you within 24-48 hours.
5 of the Best Site Design Tools for an Effective Online Author Presence
Guest Contributor: Eleanor Hecks
Grabbing readers’ attention in a crowded publishing marketspace grows more complex with each passing year. Authors must get their work in front of a target audience via various channels, such as social media, online groups, newsletters and websites. Ensuring the site is a stellar example of the writer’s brand helps drive engagement and develop a lasting reader/writer relationship.
Developing an online presence that attracts ideal readers means maintaining brand consistency across all those channels and especially websites, which serve as a writer’s home base. Fortunately, many site design tools are available that are simple to use, even without coding knowledge, and will give an author’s site a professional look.
1. Shopify
Shopify boasts over 4.5 million live stores in more than 170 countries. The platform’s flexibility makes it popular with people who want to sell their products online. Many authors have griped on group forums about Amazon’s stranglehold on electronic publishing. They have been at the retail giant’s mercy if they want to accept ebook returns or judge pages on Kindle Unlimited reads as being fraudulent.
In recent years, experts have pushed authors to go wide and sell books on various sites to avoid putting all their eggs into one basket. Shopify makes the process simpler.
2. Wix
For authors who aren’t very techy, adding a site through Wix is simple. They can even take out a domain name and attach it to their pages. However, users should be aware of a few limitations with third-party sites, such as the upgrade fees and cookie-cutter designs.
While authors can customize Wix designs, they still look the same. Creative people often see repetition as a drawback. Still, if a writer needs a quick and easy way to get the word out about books, Wix is an excellent solution.
3. Facebook Page
Today’s published authors sometimes forgo the traditional website and select a Facebook page as their main means of communication with readers. They can even point a domain name to the page if they’d like, update it with photos and videos, and engage directly with their followers.
Researchers found that 76% of consumers plan to keep buying from brands they feel more connected to. By keeping up with a social media site, writers can simultaneously keep up with comments and share personal information that fosters connection with their readers.
4. Ucraft
Similar to sites such as Squarespace and Wix, Ucraft offers another option for authors wanting to get online quickly and establish their presence. One thing a lot of people like about the design platform is that users can sell their products in over 100 markets. Also, buyers can pay in multiple ways, including crypto, PayPal, Square and Stripe.
Ucraft offers templates that users can customize with their images and text. Writers can also create downloads of their products so people can pay and gain instant access to the book. A website can look professional when combined with design tools like Canva, Book Brush and Adobe Creative Cloud for unique images.
5. WordPress
Experts estimate there are around 151,200 authors and writers in the United States. Selecting the perfect platform and theme to showcase talent is challenging. Although prebuilt sites offer convenience, they might not give the level of customization required to truly stand out.
Another option is to lease hosting space through a shared provider, install a WordPress content management system (CMS) on the site and design something unique. Authors may want to work alongside a designer for a custom solution, but using WP to post unique content is as easy as tapping into Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
Writers can choose a free theme on, pay to license a professionally designed theme or work with a designer to customize the site’s look, colors and layout.
Why a Website?
A website is a bridge that connects readers and authors, driving engagement and loyalty. Writers who want raving fans who buy every book they release must work to communicate with them through storytelling, chats and interactive elements on their sites. Authors should look at their websites and digital footprint, which share the tale of who they are and where they're going. Hopefully, book sales follow along and show the connection between authors and readers.
About the Author
Eleanor Hecks is a writer and web designer who is passionate about helping other writers grow their online presence. Her work can be found on her site Designerly, as well as publications such as and I Need a Book Cover.
Graphic Design tools
From UPrint, some useful tools for estimating font sizes and visibility on printed products, including banners, labels, business cards and file sizes in pixels.
Banner Font Size Tool - - Our tool to help you gauge font size and distance
Best Resolution for Printing: What is My File Size in Pixels? - Our tool can help determine the best file size for your design and produce the best print resolution.
Stickers and Labels Font Size - Our Sticker and Labels Font Size Tool will help you visualize different font sizes and styles on various objects and shapes, making it easy to design effectively.
Business Cards Font Size Tool - Choosing the right font size for your business card is crucial for creating a professional and readable design.
Appallingly Amazing -- AI LLMs are moving into startling new areas...
An interesting account of an AI parsing a review and then composing a coherent audio discussion about the review, all in seconds. It starts like this:
“The first thing I pulled off my desktop for Todd was a review I wrote about a Bob Dylan documentary film, which originally ran on Design Observer in 2022. Off it went, and I went back to work. No more than 10 minutes later I received an email with a sound file. Rather than edit or rewrite my text, the AI used the content as the basis for an “original” podcast featuring two perfectly normal generative voices talking about Dylan in their own terms, but seen through my eyes (or words). It was a perfect simulacrum.”
and ends like this:
With natural voices, interplay, hesitations and more.
I’ve heard it said that most traffic on the Internet is already bots talking to other bots. It is now so easy to produce entirely synthetic material, surely AI enabled material will soon constitute the overwhelming majority of all online content, and it is happening so very fast…
Playing Cards at the Poles
Recently we were commissioned to design a set of playing cards featuring legendary Antarctic explorers. The card set was well received and they have made their way to surprising locations at extreme north and south…
Per my client Lewis Levitz:
I received this letter from Sarah.
Our cards are now being sold at a camp in Antarctica and also in Svalbard
Kind regards
They have also been used to while away the time during flights over the Antarctic ice cap.
Three Books in One...
Author client G.W. Lucke asked us to find a way to typeset his recent Relevation Trilogy into one single massive volume (1000+ pages). It was a challenge, but we got there in the end, and the illustrations he commissioned for this special edition look great! The hardcover pictured below was printed by Ingram Spark. Check out the width of the spine — only just short of the maximum allowed.
Recent cover designs
Book design is usually characterised by an extreme diversity of subject matter, and this batch of recent designs is no exception to that general rule…[
Advice to Myself That I do not Necessarily Take
An acquaintance recently asked me to write some advice for her just-staring-out graphic designer daughter. This was my take, and I am not sure how good it is, or if I missed something important.
Make sure you put aside at least one quarter to one third of incoming payments to cover future tax / GST obligations. Super important to do this from the beginning, or you will be forever in the stressful position of playing catch-up.
Consider operating as a company – there are some tax advantages to this, but also more paperwork and accounting expenses. And you will have to pay the state workplace insurance fee each year, which has jumped to almost 1K per year.
Referrals are very, very useful, and they keep working for years. The bigger your network of contacts, the more chances that new jobs keep coming up. A client is much more likely to accept a quote from a business to whom they have been referred. You are in a sense a known quantity to them
Every author is a potential source of future work. It may be years in the future, but an author often writes a second or third title – if they had a good experience with you, they will come back. I have found it good practice to keep in touch with them by emailing newsletters with useful information for authors, new tools, author news etc.
Keep every testimonial / positive review you receive. Post them to your website, and ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on your google profile
Consider joining the Australian Book Designers Association or the Small Press Network
Make sure you refer your clients to other trusted suppliers – in your case, to printers, editors, proofreaders, illustrators, photographers etc. They will often repay your referrals in kind and if your clients have a good experience with one of your referrals, your status as a trusted provider will be enhanced. I have heard this referred to as the ‘honest broker’ role, and it is definitely worth aspiring to
Consider finding a compatible business partner or partners. Being a sole practitioner has its benefits, but also costs – difficult to have down time, difficult to grow past a certain point, becoming stuck in the same role, potentially unable to take on very large jobs or multiple large projects. Perhaps your business partner might specialise in web design, or assisting authors online or some other complementary service. There are services like Fiverr that connect you with typesetters, people who run amazon ads, ebook conversion etc, but I have always preferred to work directly with suppliers rather than through a third party. That said, I have found fiverr very useful for performing one off specialist tasks – creating a 3D rendered object, or a bit of specialist accounting
Consider offering a package service – authors or publishers often have several requirements and it is a ‘pain point’ for them to have to juggle multiple contractors to do them – eg. they may want a print version, ebook version, banners and ads, assistance with online advertising, a round of proofreading, an audiobook version etc.
If you prefer to go it solo, then consider employing an assistant as your business grows – either as a contractor or actual employee, remote or in-house.
Book design is easy to do from home / a home office, so it can be very low-cost. However, it can be good to separate home and work, or the latter will tend to take over the former. I had an office for many years, and it definitely had its pluses. My best setup has been a home office, but in a standalone building. So you leave the house to go to work, and when you are in the house, you are not working.
I got my first client by writing to publishers, and doing some occasional work for them, and then some design projects for councils and libraries, then some printers started referring authors to me to get their books set up properly (it is very important to have good contacts with printers) and it rolled on from there. It took a while to build up enough, and I was also working a day job for a few years.
I had to take on as many jobs as possible, as book projects can suddenly halt while the author messes around with proofreading, or runs out of money for a while, etc.
In terms of pricing – I have always tried to be mid-range, to get as many clients as possible and to give very reasonable prices to independent authors. I have seen designers who charge much more than me and obviously put a great deal more work into each project. That’s a valid approach, but my client base would definitely not bear those kinds of costs.
The book industry is changing fast, and who knows where AI is going to go. I already use it a lot for image generation, but it will no doubt get into layout and design as well. Hopefully there will still be plenty space for human-led design.
You will need to be someone who solves a lot of author or publisher problems in the one service, and to be super reliable and personable, thus justifying your rates. Most authors want to deal with a person, and especially to meet up with them and feel they are being listened to.
Producing an Audiobook
Maria Issaris of Audiobooks Radio is offering an insight into the intricacies and challenges of audiobook production via a zoom session. She says that “Audiobook production is exciting and intense, technical and emotional, all at once. Each production team (and that includes the authors and publishers!) become immersed, experiencing the 'storytelling' version of their work as it emerges from the hard page and onto an audio-platform.”
As a format, the audiobook is experiencing dramatic growth, but the process of producing a compelling audiobook is quite complex and technically challenging. It is great to see some emerging Australian players in this field.
Maria Issaris: “So here we are. We want listeners to have a profound experience when listening to audiobooks. We developed cost-effective, absolutely high quality, global standard audiobook production for small publishers and individual authors. We want books to be disseminated on global platforms. We don't take royalties. audiobookradio uploads and cross‑promotes, but does not collect royalties, nor charge ongoing fees.And we love it!”
Draft2Digital: a good idea for independent authors?
Draft2Digital offers a very cost-effective distribution route for ebooks (print on demand also, but that service is still in beta, for various reasons). Its sale channels cover all of the large ebook retailers. It has a very simple and attractive service proposition:
We are Self-Publishing with Support. Your book is your priority. Our priority is you. We build tools and services that let you focus on writing while we take care of layout, publishing, distribution, print-on-demand paperbacks, and more. Keep writing. We’re here for the rest.
In a long and very informative blog post, author services firm Reedsy describes them as “The gold standard for self-publishing aggregators, Draft2Digital distinguishes itself with excellent customer service and a user-friendly interface. They’re the best way to sell your book with dozens of retailers without tearing your hair out.”
Kindlepreneur also has a largely positive review that dives into the details of uploading a new title and how the royalty payments and update fees work.
Users discuss vcry specific pros and cons of the service on a reddit thread. Important note: the 10% Draft2Digital fee is charged on retail price, not on profit, and comes on top of the share taken by the end seller.
Writers Weekly has published a number of very negative user reviews that indicate some administrative problems.
Plenty of users had complaints about the non-payment of royalties.
Draft2Digital books cannot access Amazon advertising or other Amazon sales tools.
In summary, a service that will be useful to many authors, but go in with your eyes open and aware of the moderate drawbacks, especially the Amazon advertising issue.
No More Cookies for You (Or Anyone Else)
Google is gunning for cookies — those intrusive and unloved snippets of code that track your browsing habits and transmit said data to unscrupulous marketers. Cookies also allow other bad actors to snoop on your privacy and form a pretty good personality profile of any given web user. But being Google, and living on advertising dollars, they are still going try mightily hard to keep advertisers happy by building in more privacy-friendly settings. One suspects much of this zeal for privacy is driven by the European Union’s much more stringent privacy regulations. Falling afoul of the EU can be an expensive business.
“As we work to make the web more private, we’ll provide businesses with tools to succeed online so that high quality content remains freely accessible — whether that’s news articles, videos, educational information, community sites or other forms of web content. With Tracking Protection, Privacy Sandbox and all of the features we launch in Chrome, we’ll continue to work to create a web that’s more private than ever, and universally accessible to everyone.”